Software Engineering

What should we do about Cookies in 2024

Engineering Privacy: Navigating the Cookieless Future of Web Development

3 min readMar 26, 2024


Photo by Vyshnavi Bisani on Unsplash

As the digital landscape evolves with Google Chrome’s decision to phase out third-party cookies by 2024, software engineers are at the forefront of adapting and innovating to meet these changes. The shift toward enhancing user privacy while maintaining web functionalities presents a unique challenge and opportunity for developers. Here’s a comprehensive look at what software engineers need to know and do in response to these impending changes.

Embracing the Privacy Sandbox

Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative is set to redefine how user data is handled, offering privacy-preserving alternatives to third-party cookies. Technologies such as the Topics API, FLEDGE API (now known as Protected Audience API), Trust Tokens, and Privacy Preserving Measurement are essential tools in the new toolkit for developers. These technologies aim to support ad delivery and measurement without invasive tracking, using methods like interest groups and anonymized signals. For example, the Topics API categorizes users based on their browsing interests, without linking this data to individual profiles, thus preserving user anonymity.




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